The world is full of humor, happiness and wonder.
The world is also doomed by ridiculous amounts of greed, hypocrisy and suffering.
Here, the two interact in harmony.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Reach For Your Dreams

Estimated reading time: 46 seconds

People are always saying that you should reach for your dreams.

But that’s not really practical for everyone. For instance, last night I dreamt I was a juggling donkey.

But, you reply, when they say “reach for your dreams,” they don’t mean your actual dreams, the crazy or bizarre things that run through your head when are sleeping. Everyone’s dreams are weird. You’re not special. What they mean is to set goals, however lofty they may seem, and go after them no matter the costs.

OK. Agreed. But when I set out to make a list of lofty goals, the first two items on the list were:

1) Buy donkey suit

2) Learn to juggle

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