The world is full of humor, happiness and wonder.
The world is also doomed by ridiculous amounts of greed, hypocrisy and suffering.
Here, the two interact in harmony.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

New stories

I'm pleased to have my story "Things to Consider Before Waking a Sleeping Bear" published at Johnny America. It went up today. Here's an excerpt:

The color of a bear’s fur is meaningless. Some brown bears are black and some black bears are brown. Some black bears (who are black) identify more with brown bears. Regardless, a bear will use its fur to trick you. And then maul you to death.

I am also happy to have another piece accepted at monkeybicycle called "A Modern Wedding." It should be up sometime soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's awesome. I tried to retell the bear story to my wife and like usual, failed feebly.