About a conversation I overheard in the grocery store yesterday:
Two men in their late 60s or early 70s bump into each other in the dairy section. It appears to have been some time since they last saw one another. I hear snippets of greetings and something about finally being retired as I pass them on the way to the egg case. I pick up a carton of brown, organic, cage-frees and check to see if any are broken. As I make my way back toward the two men, I hear this treasure of an exchange:
Man No. 1: So what have you been up to?
Man No. 2: Not a whole lot. Had me another heart attack.
Man No. 1: Oh did you?
Man No. 2: Uh-huh.
The tone of this conversation was so casual, teetering on the verge of boredom. Man No. 2 could just as well have said he joined a bowling league. "Had me another heart attack" could have been substituted with "Got me a new riding mower" and nothing about the conversation -- the tone, the friend's response -- would have changed.
So that's what this old-timer's been up to? That's how he constitutes passing the days? He not only has had himself a heart attack, he's had himself another heart attack. By watching commercials for prescription medicine and retirement funds, you'd think all retired folk do is ride 3-speed bikes, play upper-class sports while wearing diapers and cherish their grandchildren between the preparation of home-cooked meals in sunshiny kitchens.
I would at least have expected a little more incredulousness from both men. I mean, this was not the first but at least the second time that no blood flowed anywhere near one of his four delicate, life-enabling chambers as the No. 1 worldwide cause of death for humans perhaps very nearly claimed another victim.
I should have eavesdropped a little longer to see how the conversation progressed. My guess is that it went something like so:
So what have you been up to?
Not a whole lot. Had me another heart attack.
Oh did you?
Was it serious?
Was what serious?
Your heart attack.
Oh. I suppose. [awkward pause] You see they have bacon and canned biscuits on special this week?
Is that right.
The world is full of humor, happiness and wonder.
The world is also doomed by ridiculous amounts of greed, hypocrisy and suffering.
Here, the two interact in harmony.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
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