“Um, no. This is Erin.”
“Oh, hi Erin. You’re using Dave’s phone?”
“Where’s Dave?”
“He dozed off.”
“Dozed off?”
“He dozed off . . . a cliff”
“He dozed off a cliff?”
“Yeah we were hiking along this cliff and he took some allergy medicine and got drowsy and dozed off, the cliff.”
“I don’t understand. He dozed off the cliff or he dove off the cliff?”
“He dozed off but I supposed both would be correct.”
“So he got tired and dozed off the cliff. Where is he now?”
“At the bottom of the cliff.”
“Yes. Permanently.”
“From the medicine?”
“No, from the fall.”
“How did you get his phone?”
“I walked to the bottom of the cliff and took it from his pocket. We’ve paid the cell phone bill for the month so why not use the phone?”
“So you’re calling to tell me that my son dozed off a cliff and is lying dead on the ground at the spot he fell?”
“No. I was actually trying to call our friend Maury about dinner but accidentally hit Mom and Dad when I was scrolling through the address book.”

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